A vehicle of non-European specifications was never intended for export and use in the European market by the manufacturer as it is not certified with an EU-WVTA (European Whole Vehicle Type Approval). Put simply, European Whole Vehicle Type Approval (EU-WVTA) is the legal and regulatory process used to ensure that motor vehicles intended to be placed on the European market for consumers meet relevant environmental, safety and security standards. Therefore, your vehicle is not on the recall list of affected vehicles provided by the manufacturer to the European market and is not listed in the European Rapid Alert System for Dangerous Goods (RAPEX) system that is a regulatory requirement in Europe.
However, in collaboration with the manufacturer, a list of vehicles involved in Takata recalls has been provided to the Department of Road Transport. To determine whether your vehicle is included in this list, please visit the website of the Department of Road Transport.
- The process of entering vehicle and owner details into our company’s information management system, as well as the preparation and arrangement of the necessary repair for the Takata recall, including any required parts movements, incurs a cost payable by the owner.
- Any work or inspection that arises concerning a Takata recall campaign will be carried out as an act of goodwill and, therefore, at no charge to the owner.
- In cases of modifications, alterations, or interventions to your vehicle that make the completion of the Takata recall work impossible, the cost of restoring the vehicle to its factory condition will be borne by the owner.